New members


New member

The CCIFG is pleased to introduce its newest member, Cadran!

« More humanity in organisations »

We commit to help executives « become inspiring leaders » fostering « Clear, Calm, Caring and Powerful thinking ».

Based in 10+ countries, operating worldwide, Cadran offers a large range of coaching services for international executives.

We develop all the critical softs-skills of inspiring leaders:

Self management skills

  • Growth mindset
  • Self-awareness
  • Emotion regulation
  • Self-confidence
  • Stress management
  • Resilience
  • Skills to forgive and forget
  • Persistence and perseverance
  • Patience
  • Perceptiveness

People management skills

  • Communication skills
  • Teamwork skills
  • Interpersonal relationship skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Meeting management skills
  • Facilitation skills
  • Selling skills
  • Management skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Mentoring / coaching skills

Culture Management skills

  • Managing upwards
  • Self-promotion skills
  • Skills in dealing with difficult personalities
  • Skills in dealing with difficult / unexpected situations
  • Savvy in handling office politics
  • Influence / persuasion skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Networking skills


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