New members
CCIFG is pleased to welcome Klein & Pantsulaia among its members!
The CCIFG welcomes its newest member Klein & Pantsulaia !
KLEIN & PANTSULAI (KP) is a pioneering Georgian law firm, and the only one on the market to combine the strengths of an expatriate lawyer with those of Georgian lawyers.
KP is part of the KLEIN LAW GROUP (KLG). KLG is a Delaware corporation doing business in Boston, Massachuesetts. KLG also offers legal services in Armenia through Klein & Iskandaryan as well as in Russia through the Vasiliev, Klein & Usov law firm in Moscow (existing for more than 17 years).
Klein & Pantsulaia also offers AI Business Consulting services
In cooperation with a 100 plus team of AI software engineers, a leading AI consultant on the Georgian market, KP offers to its clients AI consultation services and Implementation.
KP backs its 17 year experience on another firm also based on the CIS.
KP draws on the decades of experience of its 17 years in the CIS and its co-founder, American attorney Daniel Klein, in terms of the best practices of Western law firms, to ensure that its clients maximize shareholder value. KP's standards are those to which its Western customers are accustomed, and which they expect and demand in order to operate in full compliance in Georgia.
KP has just launched 2 new non-legal Services. They now provide IT Business Consulting Services & AI Business Consulting Services, as well as specialization as legal advisors in IT and AI.
KP consists of two partners, three associates and four consultants. With the Exception of Partner Daniel Klein everyone is Armenian.
Find out more about the services they offer below:
Customs & Product Certification
Venture Capital/Private Equity & M&A
Intellectual Property Evaluations
Patent Licensing & Exploitation Strategy
24 HOUR Criminal Legal services
Their clients include and have included:
- BIC Pens
- CBC Radio Canada
- Atalian
- Wydham Hotels
- Harley Davidson