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Construction works for the upgrade of the Chumateleti-Khevi section

Update on the process of the construction of the West/ Est highway.

Construction works for the upgrade of the Chumateleti-Khevi section

6 September 2018

   On September 2018, Mrs. Maya Tskitishvili, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia and Mr. Irakli Karseladze, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Chairman of the Roads Department of Georgia made an update on the process of the construction of the West/ Est highway.


The highway is separated in 5 sections: F0; F1; F2; F3; F4


F0: Zemo Osiauri-Chumateleti


The works are already in progress and planned to be completed in 2020.


F1: Chumateleti-Khevi


The tender will be announced on: Tender.procurement.gov

Time to answer: 60 calendar days


·       Bid security

·       Cash flow

·       Average annual construction turnover within 5 years

·       Contract management experience

Key activities:

·       Earthworks

·       Road Asphalt Pavement

·       Road concrete Pavement

·       Road bridge Construction with aggregate Bridge Deck

·       Tunnel works


F2: Khevi-Ubisa


Date of announcement: July 20

Bid opening: September 19

77 entities requested the bidding documents

Number of participants: 10

Lowest substantially Bidder: Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group

Status: letter of acceptance issued, contract to be signed in November


F3: Ubisa-Shorapani


Date of announcement: July 4

Bid opening: August 20

38 entities requested the bidding documents

Number of participants: 8

Status: in progress


F4: Shorapani-Argveta


Date of announcement: June 15

Bid opening: October 1

38 entities requested the bidding documents

Number of participants: 2

Status: in progress


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