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Georgian National Tourism Administration
How is the Georgian National Tourism Administration working ?
Georgian National Tourism Administration
22 October 2018
Introduction to the Georgian National Tourism Administration
The Georgian National Tourism Administration is a public entity, depending of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development.
4 years ago, in 2014, the government and the administration decided to draft a 10 years plan to decide of the achievements and changes in the tourism sector that should be made in this time frame. This strategy is monitoring their progression.
In 2016, Georgia recorded 6 million visitors that is why the administration decided to celebrate it by making a video*. In 2017, the number recorded was 7.9 million.
Tools used for the promotion of Georgia
-Digital and international platform
They decided to target digital and international platforms like Google, National Geographic TripAdvisor’s,… because to the contrary of outdoor advertisement, it is possible to monitor it, to see its impact by analysing the number of views (for example). Trainings are taking place in the administration to train the employees to these digital tools.
-Foreign journalists
The administration is actively looking for foreign journalists targeting 30 of them by year.
-Foreign television
The engagement through international television is also important (EuorNews, BBC, Polish, Israeli, Russian, Ukrainian,…)
-Road shows and international travel fairs
Outside of Georgia, the agency is also acting actively to promote the country. First by making presentations and road shows to increase the awareness on Georgia but also by encouraging Georgian companies to participate in the international travel fairs (24 in a year). To make a delegation at least 10 Georgian companies should be joining.
Books about digital comments were also published in English to give ideas to visitors about the country. The testimonies of actual people are printed. 3 books were realised around the slogan ‘Emotions are Georgia’. One is about History&Culture, one about Nature&Adventure and one about Wine&Food.
-Big conferences
Invite big conferences is also an important marketing tool.
Targeted aspects of tourism
The advertisement of the tourism is made on niche activities of Georgia because they bring more revenues. Like for example on wine (Georgia being the birthplace) and on spa and wellness (through its natural resources). These activities allow the consumer to stay longer and to spend more in the country.