
GTS Electronics – visit of their office

Georgian company in the energy sector.

GTS Electronics – visit of their office

26th June 2018


    On June 26th, the CCIFG visited GTS Electronics office in order to speak about their products, the market and their effort to the energy efficiency of the country.


About the company

   GTS electronics, Ltd has been founded in 90th by highly qualified professionals in energy Sector. Since then keeps leading position on the market. We offer all variety of low voltage products, Service and Maintenance,  solutions according to your demands. Nowadays our main clients and partners on the market are: Banks, Hotels, Tv stations, Hospitals and etc.




  • UPS
  • Voltage Regulators
  • Batteries
  • Invertors
  • Convertors
  • Generators with Diesel, Gas and Gasoline engines, from 2 to 2500 kva
  • Voltage analyzers,
  • Solar system solutions
  • Solar Led Street Light
  • 4/7 Service and Maintenance

A part of their material is dedicated to the energy efficiency.


One of the effective ways to cut expenses for electricity on a commercial scale is a Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR).

CVR is a proven method to reduce the energy used by customer equipment by reducing customer feeder voltage.

By better managing distribution system voltages, utilities, manufacturing companies and other businesses can improve efficiencies, realize significant energy savings, and reduce demand.

CVR is accomplished through a variety of techniques.

(1) Lowering voltage levels during peak periods in order to achieve peak demand reductions

(2) Lowering voltage levels for longer periods of time in order to achieve electricity conservation

(3) Reducing energy losses over feeders.


As a result we receive:

1. Reduction of power consumption due to optimal voltage control

2. Minimizing losses due to current & harmonics reduction

3. Optimize factory operation by optimal usage of electric power

4. Prevent damage of equipment due to power supply stabilization





Support to the education

   GTS Electronics decided to offer to students in engineering to do internship with them in order to give them some practice and to increase their potential thanks to their collaboration with qualified engineer. Indeed the GTS Electronics are getting training in their supplier factory in order to be able to understand their functioning and receive expertise from them.

   The products are imported from Europe and from China. The company really benefited from the tax free regime that the government applied. Thanks to the EU agreement, the logistic became more fluid as the flux between the two countries increased. Thanks to the FTA with China, the Chinese suppliers are more trustful with their Georgian partner.


Futur of the brand


   Produce in Georgia, the material they are producing under the brand GTS Electronics that Georgians trust. Once everything will be defined, they will want to export to other countries targeting the neighbourhood countries first.

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