Interview • Sectors & markets • Members
Interview with Selim Makzume - CMA CGM
Worldwide logistic company.
Interview with Selim Makzume - CMA CGM
The CCIFG asked an interview to its member CMA CMG Georgia, represented by Selim Makzume.
Could you introduce your company ? Its sector of activity ? Who are your partners ?
CMA CGM Georgia LLC is part of the CMA CGM Group, Worldwide 3rd container shipping company and France’s first shipowner. We transport to and from Georgia mainly standard and special equipment containers but also since a few years break bulk Cargo through our dedicate ‘ break bulk ‘ service.
CMA CGM serves Georgia without any interruption since 1997.
Could you describe your duties ?
Myself I am the regional manager for the Caucasus. My responsibilty is to coordinate the marketing and operational activities for the whole region. My main and most important task is to protect the rights and interests of the shipowner CMA CGM.
What is the strategic development of your company ? What are the next steps ?
We will continue to provide a quality service to our customers. When others are focusing on doing volume, we keep a commercial approach to the market. Our service is based on customer service satisfaction and keeping a reliable transit time.
Developping West central Asia is probably our immediate next step.
We also maintain our local tariffs in Georgia, we haven't increase those for three years, whereas our competitors are increasing those on a yearly basis.
Are you present in other countries of the region ? (South Caucasus, CIS)
The whole Caucasus region. For Central Asia we work in partnership with CMA CGM Central Asia ( based in Almaty ) and also with third parties agents.
Could you speak about the georgian market ? What are the challenges and the benefits ? The opportunities ?
The Georgian market is constantly increasing volume wise. Poti Port shows since a few years an annual 15% increase in volume. Our main struggle are the tariffs applied by our competitors, indeed the newcomers are breaking the rates to enter the market, they use a loss budget policy to attract the customers. Unfortunately most of these customers will look at the first bill, what they forget to take into consideration is the post discharging tariffs and the unseen costs due to a late delivery.
The region will see more and more commodities exports in the years to come. This will impact positively on the equipment imbalance, which in turns will be a direct opportunity for us and the local economy.
What advices can you give to a French company willing to settle its business in Georgia ?
Call me… I think that Georgia is a country that needs to be discovered if you do not know it yet. For a few years the stats speaks for themselves, the economy is positive.
Call the CCIFG before investing.
Why did you join the CCIFG ?
I did not join it… In 2007 I was one of the founder with a few French and Francophone friends. At that time it was the French Business Council, later on we got the license from Paris to open the CCIFG.
What did the Chamber bring you ?
A lot. It’s a fantastic plateform to exchange ideas and information, its also a very nice place to develop social relations not only with french people but also people from all horizons.