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Meeting between CCIFG and USAID

Program to support SMEs.

Meeting between the CCIFG and USAID

15th March 2018


   The CCIFG met with Anne Spahr Director Europe and Eurasia that wanted to present and introduce the new program USAID want to implement. This national program will see the light in April or May and will be dedicated to SME’s.

   USAID is an international development agency that implement different type of projects in various area. 3 of their ongoing programs in Georgia will soon end: One is focused on human capacity development, the sencond one on primary education (elemenatry projects), and the last one is dedicated to entreprises' projects in specific region.

   Two new programs will be launched by USAID. One is dedicated to agriculture projects and the second one for SME’s. We focused on the second one mainly, but we gave also intels on the state and needs of the agriculture in Georgia. The potential fields for the program mentionned by Anne Spahr were tourism (wine, agro, adventure), ICT, light manufacturing and creative industries,… The list is not exhaustive, on the contrary they keep it open for the moment. They gather information with different entities in order to define their program.

  Firstly the President Antoine Bardon underligned that one similar projects have been put into place by the European Union, that intend to promote SME’s and start-up. He underligned the fact that they should coordinate in order to offer their best support to SME’s.

  The opening of the hostellery school Vatel was mention. The school will open in Tbilisi and will deliver a French Vatel Diploma. This professional program will be taking place in 3 years where the students will be taking course in English from professionels with international experience. They will also be working in the partner hostels for practice. Some prestigious wine company will also offer masterclass in order to perfectionate their knowledge of wine.

   The use of blockchain and its development in diverse sector of activity and not only in the mining industry was also mentionned. We advised that the CCIFG is planning on organising a conference on the different aspects of the blockchain.

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