Event report  •  The Chamber

Meeting with European Investment Bank's Representatives

Financing of private sector

Meeting with European Investment Bank's Representatives

4th of December


On the initiative of the European Investment Bank, a meeting was held, on 4th of December, between Mr. Jean-Jacques Soulacroup, Deputy Head of Corporate Finance Division and Mr. Guillaume Froment-Meurice, Corporate Banker, in charge of lending operations in EU neighbouring countries and Mr. Antoine Bardon, the President of the CCIFG with the members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber.


The aim was to meet the French business community to better understand the private sector market in Georgia for possible financing of new projects. The sectors that the EIB is interested in are innovation, energy efficiency, digital / telecom, infrastructure, agriculture, education, health.


The meeting participants agreed to exchange information, to provide more details on their activities and future projects, to organize further meetings during future visits of representatives and to continue cooperation on this topic.

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