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Official Event for the National Reforms Support Foundation (RSF) Establishment in Accounting, Reporting and Auditing in Georgia

Foundation for the development of accounting, reporting and auditing in Georgia.

Official Event for the National Reforms Support Foundation (RSF)  Establishment in Accounting, Reporting and Auditing in Georgia

23 January


On January 23, the CCIFG, JPA International and ICC jointly organised the official event for the establishment of the National Reforms Support Foundation (RSF)  Establishment in Accounting, Reporting and Auditing in Georgia.


Objectives of the foundation

  1. To support and promote the implementation of the policies that recognize the fundamental contribution of accountancy profession in the business development in Georgia’s economy and creates a ”level playing field” among companies; 
  2. Georgia, as a sustainable social market economy, fully recognizes accountancy for businesses as the cornerstone of responsible ownership and long term entrepreneurship when compared to other types of companies;


Main tasks

  1. Transition of Business: Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit regulatory framework reformation (legal, fiscal and administrative) should support MSM business continuity;
  2. Strengthening Equality: public-private partnership among the international donor institutions and national banking and corporate sector as a source of finance. The large businesses and banks from their side are concerned the MSMEs to shift their accounting policies at higher quality level in order to create the level playing field in terms of dynamic competition leading to increased financial transparency, higher standards of living and better capital access;

  3. Education: support CPDs, IPDs, translation of literature in accounting, financial reporting and audit via help of the international expertise

  4. Entrepreneurship education in accounting necessity and raising public awareness: education at all levels should promote entrepreneurial behaviour in existing businesses and foster new generations of responsible business owners stimulating usage of accounting

  5. Statistical information: regular collection of robust data on the presence and finding the jobs by the accountants (contribution of University education to the Georgian business and economy) and maintaining of the ranking of the relevant accounting departments of the Universities with highest and lowest scores;

  6. Administrative Burden: “Think Small First”, needless regulations are cut for small business.


Advisory board

The Foundation is composed of the Chairman, Jacques Potdevin and an advisory board with very different profils and background, going through highly qualified and certified accoutant to lecturers in International School and consultant.

M. Antoine Bardon, President of the CCIFG is one of the founders of the Fondation.


Memorandum of cooperation

During the evening, a memorundum of cooperation was signed with Maia Melikidze, Comissioner to the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatoy Commission.


Support and speeches

We would like to thank all the persons who delivered a speech to support the foundation:

His Excellence Mr. Pascal Munier, French Ambassador

Mr. Antoine Bardon, Head, CCIFG

Mrs. Maia Melikidze, Energy Regulatory Commission

Mr. Zurab Katchkatchishvili, Head, ICC

Mr. Pierre Clouet, Head of French Institute of Georgia

Mr. Yuri Dolidze, Head, SARAS

Mrs. Mercy Tembon, World Bank, Country Director, Georgia

Mr s. Irina Gordeladze, CFRR

And also:

Mr. Lionel Escaffre, Angers University

Mr. Cedric Gelard

Mr. Vahid Novruzov, President of AR Chamber of Auditors

Mr Alexey Ruf and Elena Stakina from Russian Professional Federation

Mr. Mahammad Botirov and Evgeniy PROKUDIN, Uzbekistan Chamber of Auditors


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