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SERVIER - "Because I say So"

Hypertension Awareness Campaign

“Because I Say So”

Hypertension Awareness Campaign is launched in Georgia


   “Because I Say So” – Hypertension Awareness Campaign took place on 16th May with Press Conference. International awareness campaign where Georgia is actively involved is launched by French Pharmaceutical Company Servier and supported by International Society of Hypertension Worldwide and Georgian Hypertension Society in Georgia.


   Press conference was leaded by Maia Khetsuriani – General Manager of “Servier” Representative Office; His Excellency French Ambassador Mr. Pascal Meunier eagerly supported this important initiative of “Servier”. Prof. Bejan Tsinamdzgvrishvili – President of Georgian Hypertension Society gave a speech about Hypertension as global healthcare problem.

   Hypertension affects over 40% of adults but only 20% are aware of it, making regular blood pressure checks vitally important. Hypertension is the leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Other complications can include heart failure, peripheral vascular disease, renal impairment, retinal hemorrhage and visual impairment. Hypertension is the leading cause of mortality , with an estimated 1.2 billion sufferers . Hypertension is a silent disease with no symptoms and can lead to serious cardiovascular disease. A blood pressure test is the only way to find out if blood pressure is too high.

   “Because I Say So” campaign aims to refocus public attention by encouraging young adults to motivate their parents and loved-ones to get their blood pressure checked. The campaign's “Because I Say So” creative idea echoes what parents say to their children when they need them to behave. Now these children are grown up, it's their turn, and their responsibility, to tell their parents what they need to do for their own good – get their blood pressure checked!

    Having their blood pressure checked lets older adults know where they stand and allows them to manage their blood pressure to reduce their risk of a cardiac event. The purpose of the campaign is to put this disease back in the spotlight because talking to those around you – friends or family – about hypertension can make a difference in their lives.

    Servier is a French pharmaceutical company with a worldwide presence, with more than 40 years of research. Servier has a portfolio of 9 medicines in hypertension, which help 15 million patients around the world manage their disease. Servier strives to design innovative products and services addressing hypertensive patient’s needs. With this campaign, Servier aims to raise awareness about hypertension and to improve patient wellbeing.

   The launch was followed by a conference on May 17th to underligne the Hypertension day wolrwilde. Subjects were of course hypertension but also focus on doctor patient relationship for better compliance. This scientific conference was dedicated to doctors.

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