The Chamber

Visit of Tbilisi Mayor Kakhabe Kaladze in Paris

Cooperation Region Ile-de-France / Tbilisi City Hall

Visit of Tbilisi Mayor Kakhabe Kaladze in Paris

8 July 2019


During the visit of the first Vice-President of the Region Ile-de-France Jérôme Chartier in Tbilissi, he met with the Mayor of Tbilisi Kakhabe Kaladze and exchanged on different subjects, including the operation and management of electric buses in Paris. M. Chartier decided to invite M. Kaladze to Paris in order for him to be familiarised with the electric buses of the French manufacturers Bolloré, Heulliez and Alstom. The CCIFG took part in the delegation.




In order to familiarize the mayor of Tbilisi with the RATP, the transport company presented its activities, as well as the management and operation of the Belliard depot bus. The depot manages the operation and maintenance of 262 buses (thermal and electric buses) of different sizes (18, 12 and 8m long). All these buses are in circulation in the city of Paris. Among the bus fleet, the Bolloré bluebus is 100% electric.
The depot managed 14 km of line, 26 stations and 200,000 passengers per day. There is a 4 to 8 minute wait in the station.

RATP has emphasized its expertise internationally. In particular, it is managing  projects or buses in several cities or countries abroad, including London, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Morocco and Hong Kong.

The RATP is setting up its "Bus 2025" project, which project the utilisation of  electric and biogas vehicles only. This plan was adopted during the COP 21. In order to be done, several calls for tenders were launched, which were successively won by Bolloré, Bolloré + Heuliez, Bolloré + Heuliez + Alstom.

Then the Mayor of Tbilisi got the possibility to visit the depot inclunding the range of buses. The Bluebus of Bolloré was presented.


President of the Region Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse


The Mayor of Tbilisi met with the President of the Region Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse in order to exchange on the management and operation of transport of buses in the region.

Subjects of cooperation were metionned during the meeting.

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